Monday 1 October 2012

3 Cheers for Bankers

Bankers , they aren’t quite liked as much as teddy bears are they ? I mean If were to choose between them and Diarrhea I think most people would go for the latter. Now they aren't all bad. No seriously they aren't ! Stop laughing!

Sure they managed to screw over a lot of people out of their houses and life savings and drove a few to suicide but still lets give them a chance. I mean think of all the hard work they must have put in. The detailed analysis of all the documents they had to pore through to find the loopholes to exploit , think of the sleepless nights and the irritable mornings, the time spent away from family , the sacrifices made towards their social life ( the late show at Broadway, the wine tasting in Bordeaux) . It’s quite horrible I assure you (Youtube videos of said events look delightful). Not all of us could have taken such pains. In fact very few of us could have afforded the education it takes to get to the place where we could actually begin to take said pains (If  our transcripts were up to scratch in the first place). It’s really no mean feat to become a banker based at Wall Street , 90 % of B school grads would give their arm , eye and fingers for the opportunity.  So we have to acknowledge their hard work before we condemn them to the eternal fires of damnation. From Lehman Brothers to LIBOR it has taken very special human beings to accomplish the mighty foul ups that have occurred(But let’s not get too dark shall we , we still got cable)

Do you realize the amount of self confidence it takes to give yourself a raise after nuking (pardon the term) most of the western world’s economy ?  Neither do I !,  but I am sure it would be as much as the amount required to ask a girl out on a second date after she has just thrown her drink on your face on the first one. Bankers (sigh), I take my metaphorical hats off to you fellows , you are Darth Vader , you are the Boogie Man, you are the bump that goes off in the night, you are all our worst nightmares and the best part is we are just so darn envious that we aren’t you .



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think morality (whatever it means) should be built into economics. Unless being good is rewarded Man is not gonna do it. It's the same reason you or anyone else wants to become a Banker, cause society rewards that behavior.

  3. Economics by its definition implies managing scarcity and when things are scarce and people desperate then morality doesn't too often come into the picture ( We are all much too human for that)

    1. hence the suggestion to build it into economics

    2. Hence the suggestion that it may prove unfeasible.

    3. You are missing the point , what scarcity and desperation do the bakers have?
